I am excited to join the KMS team as your school counselor this year! I have been a school counselor for the past 10 years. I can help support you and your student with their academics, social emotional health, planning for high school, and more! Please don’t hesitate to contact me- I look forward to working with you!
EM: staci.heiser@kelloggschools.org
February: Middle School credits/Honor Roll
Way to go KMS students for making the Honor Roll during semester 1! Check out the complete list HERE
February is a great time to create new goals for semester 2. In our advisory classes students will each be writing at least one goal for themselves this semester.
January: Stress Less
January can be a month full of stressors with wrapping up the end our semester, returning from holidays, and much more! A few helpful tips: Let go of what doesn’t work & try something new, watch out for unrealistic expectations, don’t be afraid of setting boundaries, ask for help! KMS staff are here for you and to help you achieve success!
December: Gratitude
Gratitude is about focusing on the good in our lives. It's taking time to appreciate how fortunate we are when something positive happens -whether it's a big or small thing.
November: Kindness
November 13th is World Kindness Day! We want to encourage being kind to others and ourselves. Acts of kindness can boost feelings of confidence, being in control, happiness and optimism.
Watch THIS VIDEO to learn about the science behind the benefits of kindness!
October: Belonging
This month we want students to work on being more inclusive with others. If you see somebody eating lunch alone, needing a friend, or reluctant to participate in a group activity- try to include them!
September: Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is having a clear and accurate understanding of your own strengths, weaknesses, values, feelings, and hopes for the future. Self-awareness video

Additional counseling services offered at KMS:
Mindfulness with Mrs. Brooks: We are lucky to have Mrs. Brooks available for our students on Wednesday and Thursdays. You may check out mindfulness tools HERE: Wellness resources
WestWind Wellness: We are pleased to announce a new partnership with WestWind Wellness to support access to behavioral health services for students on our campus. Joshua Westby (a Kellogg native) and his team will be in Kellogg once a week to offer counseling and therapy services to students who have parent/family consent and have been formally enrolled in services. Please note that this is not a general school program and students will only be seen once their families have signed appropriate paperwork and been present for the intake. The goal of this partnership is to allow students who need more mental health support better access to services during school hours to reduce the burden on families and students who would otherwise need to take time away from work and provide transportation.
Heritage Health: More information coming soon about small group options.
In order to be contacted by a provider for future individual counseling services, please complete Heritage Health Release/Exchange of Information
Resources and more!
Find Help Idaho - Are you looking to find help for yourself, a family member, or a friend? Find free or reduced-cost programs that can help. Resources include help with: food, housing, goods, transportation, health, finances, care, education, work, and legal: https://findhelpidaho.org/
Suicide Prevention Hotline - The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
This program provides confidential support for people in distress. Individuals can call or text 988 to speak with a lifeline.
If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, please reach out.
Clothing- Kellogg Middle School has clothing supplies donated for students who are in need of warm coats, sweatshirts, t-shirts, pants, etc.
Empowering Parents Program- As a reminder, parents of Idaho students ages 5-18 who filed a 2023 Idaho tax return are eligible. Families with adjusted gross incomes (AGI) of under 60k receive priority. Grants are $1,000 per student and up to $3,000 per family. The grant funds can be used for a huge range of items to support student learning – including laptops or technology, extracurricular classes, camps, and school athletic fees, driver’s education, tutoring or speech therapy – and more! 2024-25 Empowering Parents program grant applications are open. Applications will close when funding is exhausted, so we’re hoping families apply right away! https://empoweringparents.idaho.gov/
Advanced Opportunities
The Advanced Opportunities program provides every student attending an Idaho public school $4,625 to use towards eligible expenses in grades 7-12 to explore, advance and gain experience. Advanced Opportunities allow for students to individualize their high school learning plan to get a jump start on their future. These options include dual credit, workforce training, certification exams, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate programs.
Student Information
The following Kellogg Middle School Credit requirements will be effective for all students that enter seventh or eighth grade in the fall of 2023 and beyond.
1. Students shall be required to attain a minimum of 80% of their credits that they attempt in order to be promoted to the next grade level.
3. Students may not fail two semesters in one year in any core subject (core subjects are math, science, social studies, reading, and English) area.
4. Students with less than a ‘C’ average in their core classes will be assigned a Learning Lab for extra help with their work.
5. Credit recovery - There will be a credit recovery program offered for students who do not receive credits in a given core class. The credit recovery system to be used shall be determined at a later date.
6. Attendance - Students who miss more than 9 days in a semester will not receive credit for the classes they are attempting. Students are expected to be in their assigned classes except in extraordinary circumstances. Extraordinary circumstances to include, but not be limited to, school activities, verified illness or medical treatment, death in the family or death of a close friend, and medical or dental professional appointments.
Read more in our handbook HERE page 16